New Faculty Resources

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New Faculty Resources

Things to Do Before You Get to Centre

Frequently Asked Questions & Quick Facts 


(*pertains specifically to full-time faculty)


New Faculty Orientation and Faculty Retreat

Mark your calendars for August 16 (for HR, payroll, and benefits session) and August 19-23 for New Faculty Orientation. More detailed information will come to you later in the summer from Nisha Gupta, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, or 859-238- 6294. 

Faculty Retreat

Later this summer, you will receive information concerning this year’s faculty retreat that will be scheduled for August 22.  All new faculty are encouraged to attend the retreat. 

Point of Contact, Office Location, and Building Administrative Assistants

Point of Contact and Office Location

Your division chair and/or administrative assistant will assist you in locating and securing keys to your office. If you can’t reach them upon your arrival, you can also contact the Academic Affairs Office for assistance. The division chairs and their contact information is as follows:

Division I (Humanities):  Mary Daniels | (859) 238-5265 |
Division II (Social Science):  Lee Jefferson | (859) 238-5260 |
Division III (Science and Mathematics) | January Haile | (859) 238-5880 |  

Building Administrative Assistants

The building administrative assistants will provide information about offices, photocopies, mail, phones, and other details as you get settled.

Crounse Hall:  Shayne Jarman, Administrative Assistant (Division I and II) | (859) 238-5231 |
Grant Hall:  Erika Sengstack, Performing Arts Coordinator (Division I) | (859) 238-5424 |
Olin Hall & Young Hall:  Nancy Harrison, Administrative Assistant (Division III) | 859-238-5314 |

Office Supplies

Most office supplies that you need for your teaching and office will be available from your building administrative assistant. For odd items, talk with your building administrative assistant and ask if she may be able to help you acquire what you need.  

Work Orders

Your building administrative assistant can enter facilities work orders on your behalf.  Examples of supported requests include table set-ups for hosted events, office cleaning, moving furniture/boxes, pest control, temperature control, etc. 

Academic Calendar

You can view the 2024-2025 academic calendar on the Registrars Office page located on Centrenet, All full-time faculty members are expected to attend the Opening Faculty and Staff Conference, Opening Convocation, and Commencement. Faculty are expected to process in their regalia for Opening Convocation and Commencement. 

Academic Regalia

If you have not already purchased your academic regalia, the College will pay the rental fee for academic regalia for your first event, typically Opening Convocation. You will be responsible for purchasing or renting your regalia for subsequent events (such as Commencement.) The order form for academic regalia can be found at the following link, Academic Regalia Form. Please complete and return the form to Anastasia Knight, Bookstore Manager, by July 10 at If you already have regalia and do not need to rent, please contact Anastasia anyway so that she will know all the new faculty have what they need for the Opening Convocation in August. 

Appointment Announcement

Our Strategic Marketing and Communications Office will formally announce your appointment in the fall.  If you need a new headshot, please submit your request using the following link,

Campus Contacts

Academic Affairs

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Department of Public Safety (DPS)

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Library Services

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

Office of the Registrar

Student Life Office (SLO)

Campus Directory

New faculty members can request a directory listing by contacting Strategic Marketing and Communications.  If you have a bio and photograph that you like, you can submit both here: Web Support Request.

If you need a new headshot, you can submit that request here: Photo/Video Request.

View other bios in the Faculty and Staff Directory or on your program page.

Campus Parking

There are faculty and staff parking areas in various places around campus. As Fall term begins, you’ll receive an email directing you to an online process for applying for a parking sticker. The Department of Public Safety will not ticket or tow your car if you don’t have a sticker until well after the application process is over. So, do not worry about not having a sticker during your arrival this summer! The parking sticker is free; there is no charge to park at Centre. Kevin Milby leads the public safety group, and they are always ready to answer your questions or help.   

Campus Communication (Email, Mail & Mailbox, Telephone)


Stephanie Franklin, Executive Administrative Assistant in Human Resources and Administrative Services will send you an e-mail with your new email account information, college ID number, and login and password for access to your computer. Stephanie will be in touch later with instructions on how to complete your Faculty Handbook acknowledgement and some online modules that will need to be completed as a new hire of the College. Stephanie can be contacted at 859-238-5464 or

Mail and Mailbox

Mail will be delivered to your faculty mailbox, located in your office building. Your building administrative assistant can provide you with your division’s numerical code which you can simply write on your outgoing mail in lieu of a stamp. The campus postal service will take care of the rest.  


Each faculty office has a telephone with voicemail and long-distance capabilities; instructions for setting up your new voicemail can be found here: Voicemail Instructions. It is very helpful if the phone mail message that an outside caller hears includes the faculty member’s name. 

Additional documentation on how to use the features of your office telephone can be found by clicking the following link: Office Phone Guide.

Connecting to Centre College Wi-Fi


Eduroam provides free, encrypted wireless access to the internet at Centre College and participating institutions around the world.  When you use Eduroam on our campus, you’ll be connected to our network with full access to all campus resources, and if you travel to a member institution, you’ll automatically be able to connect to their Eduroam enabled WIFI.  We know this may not be a priority in the current environment, but if you are traveling in the future, especially abroad, this could be a big advantage.  Currently there are around 1000 instituions in the US and thousands more aboard that support Eduroam.  Please see this page for more info on Eduroam and how to connect your devices, including a worldwide Eduroam locator map and mobile device app.  If your device was registered on campus last year you can switch to using Eduroam by following the directions linked below.

Eduroam Wireless Access

Reminder – CentrePublicWIFI is only for visitors and has limited bandwidth and access to campus services.  It provides a simple way for visitors to have quick access to the internet while on campus.

For devices with which you do not want to use Eduroam or can’t use Eduroam (Ereaders/steaming media devices, etc.)

You should use your portal before you get to campus to register your devices.  When you get to campus, join your devices to the “centre” wireless network name and you’ll have access to campus resources and the internet.  If you get to campus before registering your devices, you can use your smart phone on your carrier’s data network to access and register your devices.

To register your laptop/iPhone/Android Phone/Roku/Smart TV/Alexa/Apple TV, etc. please see the Knowledge Base URL below and click on “Network” on the righthand side or refer to the video how-to located on our Centre College ITS YouTube channel at the following link.

ITS Knowledge base

If you have problems making the change, contact the ITS Helpdesk and they will be happy to help!

Copying Machines/Centre Document Services (CDS)

There are convenience multi-functional machines in most of the classroom buildings which are designed to be used for small copy jobs, print jobs and faxing. A program copy number is required to use this equipment. Building administrative assistants are available for assistance with the multi-functional machines and help in obtaining your program code. 

In addition, there are copying and print services available at Centre Document Services (CDS) adjacent to the campus post office. These services may be used for any size job, but we encourage you to use it for all large copy or print jobs so that the convenience equipment is available to your colleagues for small jobs. You will also be charged less per copy at CDS. You will need to know the program budget account number to charge your jobs, which you may obtain from your program chair, division chair, or building administrative assistant. You may do personal jobs at CDS as well. 

Please contact the employees at Centre Document Services (x6999 or 5472 or for more complete information including security procedures for printing tests and other sensitive information. 

College ID Card

Once you have access to email, you can have your ID card made.  New faculty ID cards are issued through the Student Life Office (located on the second floor of the Campus Center, Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm).  A Centre ID card is  necessary for eating meals on campus, use at the library, etc. 

Danville and the surrounding Bluegrass Area

To give you a quick introduction to the area, Centre College faculty members were surveyed about their favorite places for lunch, drinks, entertainment, and volunteering in the area.

Favorite lunch spots in Danville:

Favorite spots in Danville to have a drink on a Friday afternoon:

Favorite dinner places in Danville and the surrounding area.





Favorite weekend place within two hours’ driving distance of Danville:

Favorite hiking or walking place in the area:

The best way(s) to become part of the Danville and Boyle County community:

Recommendations for childcare options

Places for pampering

Faculty Handbook

At your convenience, go to Centrenet and look over the Faculty Handbook, located in the Centrenet Bookshelf on the right side of the web page.  This handbook details the College’s policies with respect to faculty activities and governance. Portions of the Handbook will be reviewed in the New Faculty Orientation session. 

Grace Doherty Library (Resources, Copyright, AV Equipment Checkout)

Visit the following link to learn about the services Grace Doherty Library offers to the faculty (and your students).

Do you have questions about copyright?  If so, visit  This Help guide is designed to share information on copyright and related topics and issues. 

Audio/Video Equipment Checkout

Audio/video equipment is available from the Grace Doherty Library and can be reserved using Equipment Centre.  Equipment available for checkout includes digital photo cameras, digital video cameras, digital voice recorders, laptops and mobile devices, projection screens, projectors, tripods, USB headsets and webcams. 

Housing & Moving Expenses


You may contact the following for information on rental property and homes for purchase: Stephanie Franklin, Executive Administrative Assistant/Human Resources, for rental or for sale property in the Danville area.

Area real estate agencies: 

Moving Expenses

Guidelines regarding appropriate requests for moving expenses reimbursement can be found here: Moving Expenses Reimbursement Guidelines. Please submit the completed Moving Reimbursement Form along with receipts to the Office of Academic Affairs, the Moving Reimbursement Form can be found Moving Expense Reimbursement Form. Moving expense reimbursements are paid with your monthly payroll since this is considered income. Although you may send receipts upon your arrival, the earliest your reimbursement will be processed is on your first paycheck in August, and if your receipts are received after the 20th of the month, your reimbursement will be on the next month’s payroll date. 

Human Resources – Benefits & Payroll Information 

This will be covered during New Faculty Orientation on August 16. Please contact Meredith Bruner, Associate Director of Human Resources, via phone at 859-238-5466 or via email at if you have any questions before orientation.

During this session you will need to provide two original forms of identification (driver’s license, social security card, passport, birth certificate, etc.) in order to complete a federal I-9 form. A list of acceptable documents to establish both identity and employment authorization can be found here.

Information Technology Services (Helpdesk & Office Computer)

The goal of the Information Technology Services (ITS) Department is to optimize students, faculty, and staff’s access to Centre College’s suite of IT technologies and help them to use that technology to make their daily work more efficient and productive in campus life, work, research and scholarship. ITS works closely with the Registrar’s Office, CTL, faculty and other staff offices, to provide and support a wide range of administrative and academic systems for the Centre community. The easiest way to reach us with questions, problems and requests for service is to call the Helpdesk at x5575 or email You can also submit your Helpdesk support requests online at or visit us in Higgins Hall.


If you have questions, or are experiencing problems with your office, lab, or classroom computer, please contact the Technology Support Helpdesk (859-238-5575; The Helpdesk can also assist you with connecting mobile devices to the wireless network and accessing college licensed software.  ITS also provides a knowledge base of frequently asked questions and instructions.  To access it, visit and click the link to view the Online Knowledge Base. 

Office Computer

A computer setup will be provided for you. As soon as possible, please contact the ITS Helpdesk to discuss your computer needs. 

Microsoft OneDrive

Centre provides you with 5TB of storage space in OneDrive.  OneDrive can be accessed from any computer, on or off campus, that has an internet connection.  ITS recommends that you use the cloud-based storage of OneDrive as your primary storage and document sharing option.  You can access OneDrive files by clicking the Office365 button located on the launch pad on the Centrenet home page

Moodle (Centre’s Course Management System)

For assistance using Moodle, contact Kristi Jenkins at or 859-238-5573. 

Norton Center Events

You will receive information from the Norton Center staff on events scheduled for the 2024-2025 season. That information will include details on special ticket pricing for Centre employees; a savings of up to 50%.  

Room Reservations

Use EventCentre to electronically reserve a room,  Each resource schedule is managed by a different person on the Centre Campus, please refer to the list below if you have questions regarding a specific resource reservation. 

Student Employees

The services of student employees are available to members of the faculty. The intent of the program is to provide meaningful work experiences and job skills for students who need financial assistance to obtain their education.  

Requests for such services should be made in February using forms provided by the finance office as part of the budget request process. Budget managers will distribute these forms to Faculty. A job description is required, specifying the skills needed by the student for the assignment. Requests must include an estimate of the number of hours per week for which the student’s services will be utilized. Each spring, returning student employees are given the opportunity to contract with a supervisor for employment for the upcoming academic year. If a student maintains eligibility for federal work study assistance, these contracts will be honored. Requests for student employees not covered by this program will be honored only after our federal obligations are fulfilled and if funds are available. 

Student Research Assistants can be hired to work with a professor on a research project during the summer.  The nature of the collaboration may vary according to the discipline but is designed for the student to make a creative contribution to the discipline.  Proposals for summer grant work are solicited in February by the Faculty Development Committee.    

Textbook Orders

Textbooks are ordered through the Centre Bookstore; Anastasia Knight at 238-1516 or at is the contact person.  You should have already ordered your textbooks for the 2024 fall term.  In the future, the bookstore will send out a request (November for CentreTerm and spring terms; April for fall term) by email for you to order your textbooks – it helps students to be able to sell back used purchased textbooks if you reply promptly to the bookstore’s request. 

The bookstore is on Main Street.  If you haven’t been there yet, you’ll want to stop in – there is a delightful coffee shop adjacent to it called The Hub, and you can check by browsing inside the bookstore to make sure textbooks for your courses are available. 

Additional Resources for New Faculty

Listed below are links to various technology resources that can help you get started.

Centre Resources

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) membership

Centre is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, and you can access your membership with your Centre email at this link:

The NCFDD is an online resource dedicated to supporting faculty in making successful transitions at every stage of their academic careers.  Some of the resources Centre faculty have tapped include:  short online courses, written resources, short and long-term writing accountability groups.

Pedagogical Assistance

Pedagogical assistance falls under the purview of the Center for Teaching and Learning, which is located on the 3rd floor of Crounse Hall and is headed by Director Nisha Gupta (x6294). The CTL staff: Assistant Director, Matt Downen (x6295), and Office Manager, Lisa Curlis (x5288), are ready to help you develop effective teaching and learning practices. We are available to meet with you one-on-one about course design or assignments, observe your classes, provide assistance with educational technology glitches, connect you with a community partner, lend pedagogical films and books from our resource collection, and lend a host of technology equipment to use for class.

Support for community-based learning (CBL) is located within the CTL. CBL is a pedagogical approach that intentionally links what is being taught in the classroom to the surrounding communities. CBL is grounded in the belief that all communities have educational assets and resources that can enhance learning experiences for students. Many faculty members have found CBL to be a great way to encourage deep learning, contribute to community development, and 4 enhance student engagement. For more on the CBL experience, visit the following link, CTL Experiential Learning, or contact Nisha Gupta, CTL Director.