Mentoring in Teaching

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Mentoring in Teaching

Frequent and high-quality interactions with faculty in and outside of the classroom have a positive impact on student learning (McKinsey, 2013

Three Types of Mentoring

McKinsey’s (2013) three types of mentoring based on students’ stages of progress in their college experience:

1. Mentoring in: helping newcomers get oriented and “learn the ropes”

2. Mentoring through: helping students acquire and apply more advanced skills, gain confidence, and begin to achieve autonomy in their work

3. Mentoring onward: looking ahead to life after college, considering alternatives for jobs, careers, graduate school

Faculty Mentorship

Check out this resource guide for mentoring faculty: Best Practices for Mentors and Mentees in Academic Settings 

Best Mentorship Practices (Mentoring Students)

These best mentorship practices are built mostly on Cramer & Prentice-Dunn (2007) Caring for the Whole Person: Guidelines for Advancing Undergraduate Mentorship. No one person may be able to intensely use every practice.

This additional resource has a self-assessment: Nature’s Guide for Mentors — What makes a good mentor?