Class Visits

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Class Visits

The opportunity to view our teaching from a new perspective can be enlightening.  Class observations conducted by CTL staff members provide faculty members with a useful and descriptive picture of the class environment. This picture of the class environment can be used to identify and build upon strengths, and also to identify and make changes in areas that need improvement.

Observations are most helpful to faculty members when the observer has a context within which they can situate the class and when there is an opportunity to discuss the observations. Thus, each observation has three parts:

Classroom observations conducted by CTL staff are formative and confidential. CTL staff members do not conduct observations for teaching evaluation purposes and will not supply any information for annual review or promotion purposes.

To request a class observation, please fill out this form: Class Observation Request Form

Professor John Harney teaches class on September 13, 2017

The format or data collected during a class observation may vary. To get an idea of what a class observation may consist of, check out these two resources:

Classroom Observation Guide | Wayne State University (Light)

Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol (TDOP) (Heavy)