News and Events
CentreTerm Showcase 2025
The CTL organized and hosted the CentreTerm Showcase on January 28, 2025. The showcase is an opportunity for CentreTerm students to present their work to the campus. This years showcase included 16 classes and 277 students.
ANT 348 - Bone Rooms: Practice & Politics of Skeletal Studies
ANT 389 - Lived Histories
ARH 382 - The Mural from Caves to Graffiti
ARS 210 - Introduction to Oil Painting
ARS 238/338 - Clay, Fire, & Soda
ARS 240 - Hot Glass I
BNS 451 - Sexy, Tasty, and Fly
CLA 341/HIS 412 - Sex and Gender in Greece and Rome
CLA/PHI 322 - How to lead a good life: Stoic and Epicurean Philosophies
CRW 195 - Stories in the Cloth
CSC 260 - Web Development
CSC 386 - Parallel Computing
DLM 310 - Consequences of Gambling
EGR 215 - Computer-Aided Design & Drafting
SOC 326 - Black Women in Contemporary Society
Record Number of Centre Faculty Awarded CTL Grants
Congratulations to 26 Centre College faculty who were awarded grants from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)!
This year, the CTL accepted applications and proposals for Course Development Grants, Innovative Teaching Funds, and Teaching Insight Grants, a new funding opportunity. These grants support all stages of the course development process.
The CTL received a record number of applications for Course Development Grants. These grants will support the development of 14 new courses for the 2024-2025 academic year. Six courses will be heavily revised.
“These grants reflect innovative pedagogies, new formats for assignments, and authentic assessment techniques,” said Nisha Gupta, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. “Several courses will support the new business major, provide new study abroad courses, and support Centre’s strategic wellness goals. Particularly noteworthy are proposals that seek to revise existing courses, in that revision is a critical and important practice for keeping our curriculum and our courses engaging, timely, and interesting.”
Several Innovative Teaching Funds saw card deck as useful pedagogical tools. Sami Sweis used a Critical Thinking Card deck to teach students about logical fallacies. “The students found these activities fun and enjoyable… The real value of the cards, however, was revealed during subsequent discussions in class. As evidenced by cognitive behavior therapy, the key to overcoming distortions in thought, like logical fallacies and biases, is to be able to identify them with a label,” said Sweis. Other examples of using card decks as a teaching strategy include Storyteller Tactics and Ecologies.
Teaching Insight Grants let you do some initial exploring and investigating of a topic you may want to teach about later. Eva Cadavid received a Teaching Insight Grant to explore compassionate communication through advising sections with experts and a local workshop. Cadavid hopes this will prepare her to design a Philosophies of Resistance course in the future. Teaching Insight Grants can also be used to purchase books to build your background knowledge and pedagogy practices. Philip Limerick purchased Spanish pedagogy books and hopes to design a business Spanish course that can be relevant across multiple programs.
If you are interested in applying for CTL funding or would like to discuss proposal possibilities over a consultation, please reach out to Nisha Gupta ( or Matt Downen ( in the CTL (Crounse 308).
Course Development Grants
Aaron Godlaski, Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience
Ahmed Eddhir, Economics/Business, ECO 395: Empirical Analysis in Economics and Finance
Amoz JY Hor, Politics/International Studies, IST 346: East and Southeast Asia – Politics, Society, and Culture
Bosco Bae, Religion, REL 2XX: South Korea – Spirituality and Ceramics in Korea
Daryl Swartzentruber, Data Science/Mathematics, DSC 3XX: Bayesian Statistical Methods
David Hall, Philosophy and Religion, PHI 233/REL 233
David Toth, Computer Science/Data Science, DLM 310: Fixing Homelessness in Danville
Drew M. Morris, Psychology, PSY 345: Work and Design Psychology
Genevieve Bell, Behavioral Neuroscience, Introduction to Neural Science
Katrin Bahr, German, Chinese, and Japanese, The Holocaust and the Nakba: Connected Trauma and History
Kerry Paumi, Chemistry, DLM 310/HMS 310
Leonard Demoranville, Chemistry, CHE 351: Chemistry of the Environment
Mary Daniels, Spanish, SPA 2XX: Sweet Madness – How Sugar, Tropical Fruits, and Coffee Shaped the Americas
Maria Apostolova, Business & Economics, BUS/ECO 210: Introduction to Management
Mauricio Castro, History, FLM/HIS 2XX: Hollywood in Depression and War
Mei Li Inouye, German, Chinese, and Japanese, Doing Business in China
Michelle Burdine, Art Program, Introduction to Graphic Design
Peter Haffner, Art History/Studio Art, ARH 270: Art Since 1945
Robyn Cutright, Anthropology/Sociology, ANT 360: GIS and the Environment
Sarah Murray, Education, EDU XXX: An Educational Journey in Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual Well-Being
Zach Klobnak, Music, MUS 2XX: Listening Live in London
Innovative Teaching Fund
Bosco Bae, Religion, REL 249 and DLM 120
Jamie Shenton, Anthropology/Sociology, SLJ 210
Maria Apostolova, Economics/Business, ECO 301
Mei Li Inouye, German, Chinese, Japanese, CHN 150
Sami Sweis, History/French, IST 500
Teaching Insight Grant
Beau Weston, Anthropology/Sociology
Chantell Limerick, Spanish
Eva Cadavid, Philosophy
Philip Limerick, Spanish
Sarah Murray, Education
Ellen Prusinski named CTL Faculty Fellow for Spring 2024
Congratulations to Ellen Prusinski (Education) who has been named a Faculty Fellow of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the upcoming 2024 spring semester!
This fellowship is intended to encourage faculty exploration, study, and sharing of pedagogical approaches; advance our understanding and implementation of new and innovative pedagogies; and highlight the teaching excellence of Centre College faculty members. The program was piloted last year by Kaelyn Wiles (Sociology) who focused on using contemplative practices to promote well-being among faculty members and students on campus.
This spring, Prusinski will focus on strategies to strengthen and build capacity of Community-Based Learning (CBL) at Centre. CBL is a pedagogical approach that intentionally links what is being taught in the classroom to surrounding communities. Prusinski plans to participate in some workshops for community-based pedagogies and develop and lead a CBL course design workshop for Centre faculty based on what she learns from the institute. Ultimately, Prusinski hopes to develop a clear framework for incorporating CBL into classes at Centre. Those faculty who are interested in CBL, contact Ellen Prusinski or keep an eye out in the spring for the workshop series!
“Our Faculty Fellow Program gives faculty the opportunity for growth and professional development but also benefits the Centre community,” said Nisha Gupta, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. “Ellen’s plans to strengthen community-based learning at Centre will be a much needed and powerful support for pedagogy, experiential learning, and community building for Centre.”
Faculty Fellows will receive one course release (1 course or 3 credit hours total). In addition, a total of $3,000 will be made available to support the activities of the fellow. The funds are to support: hosting events, such as seminars or guest speakers, on campus; conference travel to present project results; and miscellaneous expenses.
The call for proposals for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Faculty Fellows is now open, and proposals are due February 29, 2024. All full-time faculty who have earned tenure and demonstrated commitment to student learning are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in applying for a Faculty Fellowship or would like to discuss proposal possibilities over a consultation, please reach out to Nisha Gupta ( in the CTL (Crounse 308).
More information about the Faculty Fellow Program can be found here: CTL Faculty Fellows