Pedagogy Luncheons
Pedagogy Luncheons
Upcoming Pedagogy Luncheons
Thursday, April 17th (Evans-Lively)
More information to follow.
Register here,
Previous Luncheons
Thursday, September 26th (Young 110)
What does Bloom's do for your Pedagogy?
Bloom's taxonomy is learning theory of cognitive processes and has been used to articulate educational and learning goals, first developed in 1956 and has been subsequently revised to incorporate a "dynamic" nature to educational development.
If you are trying to figure out what students are "getting out of your class", write learning outcomes, and design rubrics Bloom's is a helpful tool to identify thinking skills. Bloom’s is presented as a “taxonomy” that scaffold’s these thinking skills into levels or “higher orders”. For instance, before students can understand a concept, they must remember it. Before they can apply a concept, they must first understand it, and so on.
In this interactive Pedagogy Lunch, participants will learn the basics of Bloom's, and learn how colleagues apply it to developing their own learning outcomes and courses.
Facilitated by Nisha Gupta (CTL Director) and Matt Downen (CTL Asst. Director)
Thursday, October 24th (Evans-Lively)
Grading with Rubrics, Using AI to Make and Evaluate Rubrics
Do you use rubrics for your assignments and for grading? Do you find making a rubric to be a challenge? Do you know that the AI (ChatGPT, etc.) can design grading rubrics for you? In this faculty-led, relaxed workshop on using AI to make and evaluate grading rubrics, Tom Allen (CSC/DSC) amd Sami Sweis (IST) will demonstrate how they are using AI to help craft rubrics. In this workshop, you will get a chance to practice using AI to write your own rubric.
Tuesday, November 19th (Evans-Lively)
Choose Your Own Adventure: Advising International Students @ Centre
This session will discuss tailored strategies for advising, mentoring, and teaching international students across Division I, II, and III in and outside of the classroom. The workshop aims to help faculty better address the unique needs and challenges these students face. Gain practical tools to foster a more supportive and inclusive advising experience for international students.
Facilitated by Katrin Bahr (GER) and Kelly O'Quin (BIO)
Tuesday, February 18th (Evans-Lively)
Teaching with Confidence: A conversation with faculty reflecting on teaching.
Join us for a guided, interview style conversation with "senior" faculty members, who teach with confidence, share their thoughts.
Helen Emmitt (English) and Peggy Richey (Biology) will share reflections, stories, and general advice about how to think about one's teaching. This is sort of a FROL - Faculty Reflection on Learning, in this case it's context of learning about teaching. Lori Hartmann (Politics and International Studies) will serve as the "interviewer" and facilitator.
Thursday, March 13th (Evans-Lively)
Strategies for Equitable and Efficient Grading and Feedback
Grading, for many of us, is one of the worst aspects of teaching; however, grading and feedback are essential components of student learning. This session will explore strategies for setting types of feedback, methods of providing feedback, and ideas for being both efficient and equitable. We hope this session will help you find grading strategies that are both kind to you and beneficial to your students.
Facilitated by Kristen Fulfer (CHE) and Erin Wachter (CHE)
2023-2024 Pedagogy Luncheons
Thursday, September 28th (Evans-Lively)
Practical Strategies for Teaching with Kindness & Respect
What does it mean to teach students with care and respect in all circumstances while maintaining high academic standards and avoiding burnout? We will discuss what we learned in our Spring 2023 Learning Community about how to approach common teaching challenges such as building classroom chemistry, supporting student mental health, working with challenging students, and maintaining academic rigor. We will suggest practical strategies to address these challenges as well as exercises to connect more deeply with students.
Facilitated by Kaelyn Wiles (SOC), Danielle La Londe (CLA), Eva Cadavid (PHI), John Harney (HIS), Iulia Sprinceana (SPA), Lori Hartmann (IST), and Michelle Burdine (ARS)
Thursday, October 26th (Evans-Lively)
From Career Competencies to Centre Competencies: A Faculty-Driven Approach
How might Centre faculty approach career readiness concepts to develop a holistic education for students? This panel explores the benefits of a faculty-driven perspective of NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) competencies, focusing on the idea of adoption, translation, and collaboration in a pedagogical setting. We will discuss potential futures and pitfalls of dovetailing career competencies into existing assignments and syllabi. The concept of creating a novel set of competencies for Centre will be examined from an interdisciplinary panel. We suggest competencies can serve as a creative catalyst for instruction that can benefit professors and students alike.
Facilitated by Amy Frederick (ARH) and Career Champion Faculty
Tuesday, November 14th (Evans-Lively)
Assigning and Assessing Non-standard Assignments or Creative projects
We all have standard assignments for our fields; essays, problem sets, lab reports, and other regular assignments are traditional ways of measuring student understanding. Over the past decade, however, the “unessay” or non-traditional assignment has become a more popular assessment tool in higher education. These assignments can allow students to model analytical skills and subject mastery in ways these traditional assignments cannot, but they can also feel challenging to create and grade effectively. In this session, Tara will facilitate a discussion about what learning goals these assignments can demonstrate and how we might assess non-standard assignments. Should students be graded on technical proficiency? What does a visual argument look like? How do you compare the effort and thought that some students put into a video with the effort and thought other students put into papers? Tara invites you to bring examples of “unessays” or non-traditional assignments or ideas for assignments you have considered.
Facilitated by Tara Strauch (History)
Thursday, February 8th (Evans-Lively)
(Re)norming Attendance Policies to be More Inclusive
One of the few syllabi inclusion policy requirements for our faculty is to include a student attendance policy. While there are no specific requirements for attendance outlined in the Faculty Handbook, there’s are challenges to setting one’s own attendance policy. Since the pandemic (and maybe earlier), student requests for mental health breaks and other wellness breaks have risen. For the most part faculty determine their own attendance policies.
We want to be compassionate and we want to be inclusive, but is it time for the faculty to define some common parameters, particularly in light of students’ request for mental health days/breaks?
In this interactive, workshop-style, session faculty will work together to define some parameters and think through ways better align policy and one’s teaching practices. We will discuss the results from the pre-survey. We will look a few cases (from Kristen Fulfer and Danielle La Londe) of faculty who’ve worked to (re)norm their attendance policies and also work through a set of questions that all of the faculty can engage.
Please note, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence (commonly known as HHMI) grant is generously supporting/covering the cost for this meal.
Some reading for reference:
Do Mental Health breaks help students?
Student Wellness Tip: Create Mental Health Day Reflections
Pedagogical Wellness
Course Design Factors: Course Design as a Gateway to Student Well-being – Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning
Student Mental Health Notes and Resources:
Thursday, March 7th (Evans-Lively)
Effective and Equity-Minded Teaching Strategies, Guest Speaker: Dr. Bryan Dewsbury
During our time together we will discuss how teaching that acknowledges the importance of skill development (but transcends that by cultivating ethically minded individuals) is possible. We will use examples for an introductory STEM course that can serve as an inspiration for reconsidering how we can center humanity in our approaches to teaching.
About Dr. Bryan Dewsbury…
Dr. Bryan Dewsbury grew up in Trinidad and Tobago and immigrated to the United States in 1999. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Morehouse College and an Master of Science and PhD in biology from Florida International University. His work focuses on how students (especially those in underrepresented groups) develop perceptions of the world and others, and how these perceptions might in turn affect their engagement with science content, career choices, and ultimately their academic performance. Dr. Bryan Dewsbury is an Associate Professor of Biology at Florida International University where he also the principal investigator of the Science Education and Society research program, which focuses on the social context of teaching and learning in a variety of education contexts. This Pedagogy Luncheon is sponsored by Centre’s Inclusive Excellence 3 grant (IE3) from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.