Other Funding sources

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Other Funding sources

In addition to funding opportunities provided by the CTL, there are other sources of funding that faculty may pursue described here.

Engage KY+ Grant

The Office of Civic & Community Engagement offers several grant opportunities to students, faculty, staff, and community members through CENTREENGAGE.  The faculty and staff grant is called Engage KY+ Grant.  Find these opportunities and applications on this page:  CentreEngage

CentreWorks Community Partnership Grants 2024-25

CentreWorks Community Partnership Grant 2024-2025

CentreWorks is funding up to 3 faculty-led projects that involve community-based partnerships. CentreWorks is providing up to $3000 per project for innovative ideas that actively engage community partners to build collaboration and provide experiential learning to students.

These grants are designed to build and support partnerships between Centre College faculty and the surrounding community, while providing students with an experiential learning experience.

All full-time, Centre College faculty are encouraged to apply.

Jennifer Gander, Director of CentreWorks, will send out application details to all faculty each year. Applications for AY2425 are due October 18, 2024 and can be submitted here.

Centre Global

Each year Centre Global endeavors to provide limited funding for several faculty members to conduct “scouting trips” necessary to develop new courses abroad. Priority is given to faculty applying to develop courses in locations they have not previously visited. Award amounts depend on allocated budget each year and are typically between $1,500 to $2,500; funds must be used either during CentreTerm or the summer of the year they are awarded.


Centre Global will send out application details to all faculty each year as well as post the application link on the faculty resource page for study abroad in CentreNet:


Centre Scholars

Being named a Centre Scholar is an honor that recognizes excellence in teaching, scholarly work, and contributions to the college community.  Honors are rotated among Centre's full-time faculty on a biennial basis.  Each honoree receives a stipend above the normal salary.

The Centre Scholars program was made possible through a challenge gift to the college endowment from David Grissom, a Centre alumnus and Louisville businessman who chaired the college board of trustees from July 1986 to January 2008.

Dean's Office

The College encourages faculty members to attend professional meetings by offering financial assistance to those who participate and to those who attend for professional renewal. The Dean will announce the amount available to each faculty member prior to the start of the academic year. Requests for professional travel funds are made by completing a travel request form (available online) and submitting it to the appropriate Division Chair for approval. The Division Chair will forward the request to the Dean of the College. It is unlikely that requests beyond the annual allocation per faculty member can be honored. 

Division Funds

Each Division Chair administers a small fund to help defray costs that may be used for research, publications, and classroom needs. Talk to your Division Chair for more information. 

Endowed Professor Funds (Enabling Funds)

Centre College has about 37 endowed professorships awarded to distinguished faculty members. Holders of these professorships receive a bump to salary and a special enabling fund to be used to promote professional activity. Endowed professorships are appointed by the president, upon recommendation of the Dean of the College, and in consultation with the faculty, and the division chairs. Some of these professorships are renewable annually and others rotate on a regular cycle.

Faculty Development Funds (FDC)

These grants are designed to support scholarly activities that maintain professional competence and academic currency in one’s field and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Such activities include research and the expression of one’s art. These activities can also include close supervision and mentorship of a student-driven independent research endeavor. Funds may be used for faculty and student stipends during the summer and for supplies or expenses necessary for the completion of the proposed work. The call for FDC funds goes out in December/January and are due in February.


The FDC invites proposals for two types of summer research.  The committee’s priorities for distributing summer grant money are reflected in the following order:

Library Funding Sources

Faculty receive an allotted amount to purchase books for the library collection.  Books purchased using library monies are not for faculty to keep for their own use and should benefit a class/program and multiple users.

If you have any questions about print books or ordering in general, you can contact Crystal Ellis.  If you have a question regarding the purchase of streaming films/DVDs or eBooks, you will need to contact Jazmine Wilson

There are some restricted funds that faculty can also use that would not count against their allotted monies.