Diversity and Inclusion

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Diversity and Inclusion

The classroom environment is an especially important space for diversity to thrive, and can potentially affect all dimensions of campus climate. Research has demonstrated the positive impact that a classroom engaged with diversity has on student outcomes, particularly when faculty, course content, and pedagogy are considered in conjunction with the compositional diversity of the students (Milem, Chang, & Antonio, 2005, p. 24).

The resources below are intended to help faculty design and facilitate classes that promote the full participation of all students.

Resources for Teaching and Diversity

“Reflections on Inclusive Teaching Techniques”
By Eva Cadavid, Marc Demont, Seth Rogers, Jamie Shenton, and Jazmine Wilson

“Three Best Practices for Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice”
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research, Middlebury College

Learning Disabilities and Associated Teaching Strategies
Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training

Inclusive Teaching Resources and Strategies
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan

“Teaching in Racially Diverse College Classrooms”
Derek Bo Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University

“Navigating Difficult Moments in the Classroom”
Derek Bo Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University

Trans Inclusive Practices in the Classroom
New York University

The Center for Teaching and Learning hopes to see this list of resources continue to grow. If you know of additional resources that you would like to see added to this page, please contact Nisha Gupta or Matt Downen.

If you are interested in leading or presenting about a topic related to inclusive teaching for a Pedagogy Luncheon or Conversations on Teaching, please contact Nisha Gupta (nisha.gupta@centre.edu) or Matt Downen (matt.downen@centre.edu).

Past Opportunities and Events

Faculty Learning Community: Inclusive Pedagogy
This FLC will have two aims. The first is to explore and better understand how implicit biases* and microagressions** affect the dynamics in the classroom. The second is to explore ways to best manage hot moments in the classroom to foster a safe yet challenging environment where all of our students can flourish.

*the bias in judgment and/or behavior that results from subtle cognitive processes (e.g., implicit attitudes and implicit stereotypes) that often operate at a level below conscious awareness and without intentional control

**brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial, gender, sexual orientation and religious slights and insults to the target person or group
Convened by Eva Cadavid and Maria Apostolova

November 17 – Overcoming Fear and Creating Inclusivity in the Classroom
During this luncheon, we will engage in a discussion of some of the challenges we face in a classroom where our students are different from us (or we are different from them). Our goal is to create a safe space to share our fears and start moving toward overcoming them.
Facilitated by Kaelyn Wiles, Kyle Anderson, Johannes Wich-Schwarz, and Eva Cadavid

September 15 – Understanding and Reducing Stereotype Threat
We ended this year’s retreat thinking about what we, as individuals, can do to create a more inclusive learning environment at Centre College. The purpose of this luncheon is to develop strategies for supporting full participation by gaining a better understanding of stereotype threat. Stereotype threat occurs when individuals are at risk of conforming to stereotypes of their social group. It can result in anxiety and underperformance, and can occur in a variety of contexts, from taking a math test to competing in an athletic match. During this luncheon, we will discuss what stereotype threat is, situations that may give rise to it, and the consequences of it. We’ll also generate ideas for what can be done to reduce it.
Facilitated by Jennifer Goetz and Matthew Hallock

August 18 – Diversity and Inclusive Pedagogy
The purpose of this year’s faculty retreat is to develop a shared understanding of the importance and value of diversity and inclusion at Centre College. Throughout the day, we’ll engage in thoughtful dialogue as we unpack key terminology, share our own experiences, and read the experiences and perspectives of our students. As part of this year’s retreat, all participants will receive a copy of Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Approaches for Diverse Populations edited by Shaun Harper and Stephen John Quaye.
Facilitated by Shirley Collado, Rutgers University

August 10 – How Syllabi Can Help Us Build an Inclusive Classroom
Designing a warm and inviting syllabus is a first step in conveying to our students that we value and will work with them to establish a safe and supportive environment for all. Please bring a syllabus-in-progress as we will spend part of this session integrating techniques that convey a commitment to creating an inclusive community for our students.
Facilitated by Eva Cadavid and Sarah Lashley