Open Classes


Open classes

The CTL is hosting its OPEN CLASSES WEEK next week, March 10 - 14. During this event, you can sit in and observe colleagues' classrooms. These open classes are meant to inspire discussions about how our teaching practices engage students in the learning process across the disciplines.


We have organized a robust slate of classes and colleagues to choose from. Eight colleagues have agreed to open their classrooms to other Centre College faculty and staff. There are over 50 opportunities for you to sit in a class with courses in HIS, SPA, DLM, MAT, ARH, and ECO. 


Faculty and staff who wish to attend one of these classes must sign up here: sign up for Open Classes Spring 2025.  

Sign-ups are on a first come first serve basis, so if you are interested in a particular class and time, I encourage you to sign up right away. 


All participants are invited to a celebration reception on Friday, March 14 at 4:00 pm in the CTL. This reception will provide a venue for the faculty who have opened their courses to have discussions with their guests and for all participants to talk about teaching and student learning. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate our hard work creating effective learning environments for students.

Participating Faculty

Mauricio Castro

HIS 127 - Reconstructing American Democracy

HIS 360 - Rock 'n' Roll and the U.S. Postwar

Willie Costley

SPA 120 - Fundamentals II

Robyn Cutright

DLM 120 - Food, Culture, and Identity in the Americas

Amy Frederick

ARH 261 - Survey of Western Art II

DLM 120 - Moments & Making of Memory

Ravi Radhakrishnan

ECO 210 - Macroeconomic Analysis

ECO 430 - Money and Banking

Lesley Wiglesworth

MAT 300 - Foundations of Mathematics