Syllabus REsources

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syllabUs Resources

A syllabus is a guide to your course and includes what will be expected of students and the instructor (you) over the course of the term. Generally, it will include course policies, rules and regulations, required texts, and a schedule of assignments.   

In addition, the syllabus is a great way to convey the coherence of your course learning objectives, assessments, and lessons is done. As the syllabus is often the first point of contact between you and students, it provides you with the opportunity to set a welcoming and positive tone for your course. 

Finally, your syllabus should articulate your assumptions and expectations about student learning in your course. 

Required Items to Include in Centre College Syllabus

Per guidelines in the Faculty Handbook, your syllabus must include these 10 items:

A Learner Centered-Pedagogy

Students are more active and participative, and the process turns knowledge into a negotiation between teachers and students. The course syllabus is a great place to convey learner-centered pedagogy. 

This matrix provides some questions for consideration to help shift your syllabus toward learner-centered pedagogies. 


Learner-Centered Equity-Minded Pedagogy

A well-designed syllabus is characterized by a welcoming and inviting tone, is accessible for all students, has good visual design, promotes transparency, is accompanied by an activity to ensure that students read and understand it, and reflects your commitment to equity.  Equity-minded pedagogy practices support this approach to syllabus development.  

Additional Links and Resources

See here for some additional links and resources to support your syllabus development.